Welcome to the Northmead Seventh-Day Adventist church website. A special welcome to all our visitors and newcomers. We belong to the sisterhood of churches in Lusaka Central Mission District in Central Zambia Conference. It is our prayer that you will Join the Church in putting Efforts Forth for the Rescue of Lost Humanity through participation by all!! ....

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Visiting our website or visiting our church we want you to feel part of the family. Please feel free to explore the different sections of this site and if you have any questions then it would be our delight for you to get in contact. The Northmead  Seventh-Day Adventist church is a family friendly church with services and activities for all the family.

Please see our events page for a full listing of activities.

Service Times:

Every Saturday:
Sabbath School from 08:30 hrs
Main service from 11:00 hrs
Bible study from 15:00 hrs

Every Wednesday & Friday:
Vespers from 17: 30hrs


Meet the Church Leadership

The District Pastor


Name: Pastor Habumbeni


Email Address: lcmdpastor@gmail.com

Cell Number: +26 097 8 442 096

 The Serving Elders For 2013

Name: Elder Evans Kaluba

Position: 1st Church Elder

Email address: emkalu1971@yahoo.co.uk

Cell Number: +26 096 6 846 357


Name: Elder Andrew Mawila

Position: Associate Elder
Email address: andrewmawila@yahoo.com
Cell Number: +26 097 7 308 075


Name: Elder Elliot Hakabwandi
Position: Elder
Email address: ehakabwandi@zambia.childfund.org

Cell Number: 095 5 813 862


Name: Elder Fainos Dube
Position: Elder
Email address: fdube@zesco.co.zm

Cell Number: +26 097 7 658 330

 Name: Elder Jethrow Chipili

Position: Elder

Email address: jechipili@yahoo.com

Cell Number:  +26 097 7 822 447


Name: Elder Kephas Saidi
Position: Elder
Email address: saidikephas@yahoo.com

Cell Number: +26 096 6 658 642

Website Administrators


Name: Elder Andrew Mawila
Position: Associate Elder

Cell Number: +26 097 7 308 075

Email address: andrewmawila@yahoo.com

 Name: Br. Lyson Ngoma

Position: Assistant Church Clerk / Communiction Secretary

Email Address: lysonngoma@spar.com

Cell Number: +26 097 7 438 365

Name: Derrick J. Muneene

Email address: djmuneene@hotmail.com 

Cell Number: (+26) 0977-120679

Name: Joe Phiri

Email address: phirijoe26@yahoo.com

Cell Number: (+26) 0979-419665